Monday, September 16, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, TEST _ Story teller / Narrative Perspective / Irony

Objective: Students will demonstrate comprehension of narrative perspective, irony and comprehension of the Story Teller.

Do Now
The answer to yesterday's exit pass:

Explain how the author, Saki, use an omniscient narrator to deliver the Story Teller in an objective manner.

Answer: An omniscient narrator tells the thoughts and feelings of all characters.  Because you do not get just the viewpoint of one character, the story is not biased or prejudiced; it does not show the opinion or view of one character. Objective means there is no bias. Since it equally provides views of all characters, the reader can be objective when analyzing the story events. The reader can determine for him or herself if what happened was fair and accurate.  The reader is not swayed by one of the characters opinions because the reader learns all opinions without suggesting one opinion is better than another.

Direct Instruction


Independent Work

Use neo to write creative writing assignment:

 Imagine a park. Write a paragraph describing an imaginary park setting. What would it look like? What would it sound like? What types of things would be in it? Who would go there?  Make this FUN!! 50 points!

Explain how the author, Saki, use an omniscient narrator to deliver the Story Teller in an objective manner.

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