Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, ACT 2 - Macbeth

Objective: By the end of class, students will continue to read and analyze Macbeth and themes in order to examine human nature and make real life connections


GREED is a central theme of Macbeth. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have wealth and power but they want more. SO much so that they are willing to commit murder. Do you think greed is part of human nature? Do you think most people would commit crimes to have more if they knew they would not get caught? Explain.

Direct Instruction

ACT 2 scenes 1-3


Read ACT 2 scenes 1-2.

Independent - you may work in groups of 2-4

Act II
1. What is Macbeth's lie to Banquo about the witches' predictions?

2. What is the signal Lady Macbeth is to give Macbeth to let him know that she has taken care of the guards (grooms)?

3. What excuse does Lady Macbeth give for not killing Duncan herself?

4. After Macbeth kills Duncan, he goes to Lady Macbeth and is concerned about not being able to say "Amen." What is her advice to him?

5. Then, Macbeth is worried about hearing a voice saying, "Macbeth does murder sleep." What does Lady Macbeth then tell him to do?

6. Why won't Macbeth take the daggers back to the scene of the crime?

7. Who was knocking?

check for understanding 

review answers to questions


View act 2 through murder  click here

Exit pass

Are the witches really supernatural beings or are they just manipulating Macbeth by appealing to his greedy nature? explain

Monday, September 29, 2014

September 30, Act 1 test and Act 2 scenes 1-2

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to analyze and be assessed on act 1  with a focus on developing writing and literacy skills in order to prepare for keystones and make real life connections


Check the wall and add anything you don't have into your notebooks. Take note of the concluding sentence on the sample analysis on wall.  Remember to include that today when you write.

Direct Instruction

Multiple choice/ true false test  - 50 points

Use three steps to ANALYZE the following (30 points): 

Analyze how Lady Macbeth persuades Macbeth to accept her plan to murder King Duncan. (pages 43 and 45).


Read ACT 2 scenes 1-2.

Independent - you may work in groups of 2-4

Act II
1. What is Macbeth's lie to Banquo about the witches' predictions?

2. What is the signal Lady Macbeth is to give Macbeth to let him know that she has taken care of the guards (grooms)?

3. What excuse does Lady Macbeth give for not killing Duncan herself?

4. After Macbeth kills Duncan, he goes to Lady Macbeth and is concerned about not being able to say "Amen." What is her advice to him?

5. Then, Macbeth is worried about hearing a voice saying, "Macbeth does murder sleep." What does Lady Macbeth then tell him to do?

6. Why won't Macbeth take the daggers back to the scene of the crime?

7. Who was knocking?

Closure / check for understanding 

review answers to questions

Exit pass

Are the witches really supernatural beings or are they just manipulating Macbeth by appealing to his greedy nature? explain

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monday, September 28 - MAcbeth themes

Objective : By the end of class, students will analyze four themes from Macbeth in order to make real life connections. We will also review Act 1 in order to prepare for a comprehensive quiz.

Write into notebooks - 

Definition of Theme

Theme is defined as a main idea or an underlying meaning of a literary work that may be stated directly or indirectly

Direct Instruction

Major themes of Macbeth

Guided / Independent

Read / analyze article about loyalty....consider the idea of loyalty in Macbeth and then make a real life connection according to directions.

Answer constructed response analysis on handnout provided.

Check for Understanding / Closure

review for quiz on act 1 tomorrow

Exit pass

Would there ever be a reason to be disloyal to your blood family? provide an example or explanation.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday, September 24, Analyzing and complete Act 1

Objective: By the end of class, student will study the three steps to analyzing and complete ACT 1 of Macbeth in order to improve reading comprehension skills and improve ability to answer constructed response questions.

DO NOW - write this into your notebooks:


1.    Restate the question into a first sentence.
2.     Then explain what you want to discuss:
3.     Use a quote from the text to support your idea and then add a closing sentence that goes back to beginning.

Example for first step:

Analyze Macbeth’s soliloquy on pages 21-23 and discuss his internal conflict.

Change this to:

In Macbeth’s soliloquy on pages 21-23, he has an internal conflict.

Example for 2nd step:

Macbeth is considering murdering King Duncan even though he knows it is wrong. He is only considering it because the witches told him he would someday be King, and Macbeth wants it NOW.

Example for third step:

Macbeth is worried though. He says, “ even though it is just fantasy so far, the mere thought of committing murder shakes me up so much that I hardly know who I am anymore.”  Macbeth is left with his internal conflict of what to do.

Direct Instruction

Begin plot structure for Macbeth

Read Act 1, scenes 5-7.

Guided / Independent

Monday, you wrote down some character traits from the biographies in the front of the book. Now that you have read much of ACT 1, add a character trait to the following characters:
Lady Macbeth

Identify the page number and the quote where you found this information. Do this in your notebooks so you can use it as reference on the next essay assignment.

Lady Macbeth is AGGRESSIVE like men are suppose to be, not women. Page 33 -  "...make me less like a woman and more like a man and fill me with deadly cruelty!"  

Check for understanding

When you have completed one example for each of the two characters you chose, call me over to show me so you receive credit for your work. 


View ACT 1
 click here

Exit Pass

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tuesday, Macbeth Act 1

Objective: By the end of class, students will complete Act 1 of Macbeth and analyze characters in order to determine motive. 


In your notebooks, write down the witches' prophecies for MAcbeth and Banquo.

Direct Instruction

QUIZ - 30 points

Analyze Macbeth's soliloquy on page 21-23 and discuss his internal conflict.

Read / Analyze act 1 scenes 4-6.

Guided / Independent

Complete study questions from handout in notebooks. 

Yesterday, you wrote down some character traits from the biographies in the front of the book. Now that you have read much of ACT 1, add a character trait to Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Banquo and Duncan and identify the page number and the quote where you found this information. Do this in your notebooks so you can use it as reference on the next essay assignment.


Lady Macbeth is aggressive like men are suppose to be, not women. Page 33 -  "...make me less like a woman and more like a man and fill me with deadly cruelty!"  

Check for understanding

when you have completed one for each character (total of 4 quotes/examples), call me over to show me so you receive credit for your work. 


Review study guide questions and answers.

Make predictions based on the kind of people each of the above are like. If Duncan was strong and not gullible, might things have been different?

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monday, Sept 22, Analyze and Characterization

Objective: By the end of class, students will be assessed on their ability to ANALYZE and consider CHARACTER components in order to improve reading comprehension and determine character motive. 


Do you believe a person's true nature and personality are shaped when they are born (innate) or do you think environment is a greater factor? Explain.

Direct Instruction

Characterization powerpoint


Read descriptions of characters fro mNO FEAR SHAKESPEARE  Macbeth. List them in your notebooks and write down who they are and two or three of their character traits.

Read Act 1 scenes 1-3 - Macbeth


Answer study guide questions for Act 1 scenes 1-3.

Check for Understanding 

review answers


Exit Pass

Which character from Macbeth are you most like?

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Objective: By the end of class, students will summarize, analyze and evaluate informational text in order to improve reading comprehension and distinguish the difference between these directives.


Write this in your notes: 

The simplest way to begin answering a constructed response that says "ANALYZE" is simply to restate it or turn it around like you would a question. Example:

Analyze the events of 1590 that resulted in the persecution of witches in Scotland and England.


There were specific events of 1590 that resulted in the persecution of witches in Scotland and England. ( now you should be focused enough to find out what these events were!).

Guided  / Independent  - continued from yesterday

video on witches

Complete the three following tasks in 4-6 sentences each:

Summarize the article.

Analyze the events of 1590 that resulted in the persecution of witches in Scotland and England. (be sure to use a quote as evidence).

Evaluate  King James 1's influence on the persecution of witches in England and Scotland in the late 1500's. (be sure to use a quote as evidence an include your opinion).

PERIODS 1/2 - If and/or when done, continue with your Diagnostic packet.

PERIODS 3/4 & 6/7 - Complete self characterization handout - 

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during writing assignment

Exit Pass

What character from Macbeth are you most like? Take the self-quiz.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thursday, September 18, Analyze, Summarize, Evaluate

Objective: By the end of class, students will examine informational text in order to improve reading comprehension and distinguish the differences between summarizing, analyzing and evaluating .


In your own words, explain the differences between SUMMARIZING, ANALYZING and EVALUATING.

Direct Instruction

Read JAMES 1 / WITCHES article.

Guided  / Independent 

Complete the three following tasks in 4-6 sentences each:

Summarize the article. (who , what, when, where, why)

Analyze the events of 1590 that resulted in the persecution of witches in Scotland and England. (be sure to use a quote as evidence).

Evaluate  King James 1's influence on the persecution of witches in England and Scotland in the late 1500's. ( be sure to use a quote as evidence AND include your opinion).

Check for understanding 

Individual checks as students write

Exit Pass

What do you consider when determining a person's character? 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, Historical Background for Macbeth

Objective: By the end of class, students will complete analyzation of historical background for Macbeth in order to make real life connections.


What about your future would you like to know and why? If you had this information, would you live your life differently, and if so, how?

Direct Instruction

Return to the same groups that you were in yesterday to complete group project.

Guided / Independent

When complete, continue to work on your diagnostic exam. 


Review facts, questions and modern day connections. 


Exit Pass

Do you believe in the supernatural? How about witches and witchcraft? 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, Ambition vs Greed / Intro to Macbeth

Objective: By the end of class, students will learn new vocabulary and analyze 16th century England in order to make real life connections.


Copy words and definitions into notebooks:

GREED = 1excessive consumption of or desire for food and/or excessive desire for wealth or power. It is NEGATIVE and selfish.

AMBITION =1. strong desire for success, achievement, or distinction 2. a goal. It is POSITIVE and not selfish.

FATE = The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. Fate is geerally believed to be pre-determined. One's actions cannot change one's fate.

DESTINY = the particular state of a person or thing in the futureconsidered as resulting from earlier events. Destiny is generally believed to be somewhat influenced by one's actions, therefore, the choices you make throughout life matter.

Direct Instruction

Discuss FATE vs. DESTINY. 

macbeth intro slideshare

Guided / Independent

Are you a good annotator? Creative? Inquisitive (ask lots of question)? Pick your strongest attribute and write it down on a slip of paper with your name on it. 

Then, in groups that I assign:

1. Analyze the cover of the handout. Write three comments and ask three questions about it. 
2. There are 6 sections to this packet:
a. Elizabethan England
b. Growing up Shakespeare
c. London City Living
d. Plague (health problems in England)
e. Clothing
f. The curse of Macbeth.

For each section, write three facts, ask one question and make one relationship between then and modern day. Therefore you will have five comments for each section. So, for example, to make a relationship between growing up Shakespeare, you might say, "today, educational opportunities are equal for boys and girls."


Groups share questions and relationships.

Exit Pass

Monday, September 15, Complete ISIS essays and Diagnostic test

OBJECTIVE: By the end of class, students will complete essays in which they analyze and evaluate information and complete the Literacy Diagnostic test in order to determine skill levels.

 Constructed response:

Does the end justify the means? For example, is it ok to do something wrong in order to get what you want? Explain.

Direct Instruction

Macbeth Anticipation guide / discuss for periods 1/2.

For 3/4 and 5/6 - complete ISIS essays.

Guided / Independent

Literacy Diagnostic


Exit Pass
What do you think the difference is between GREED and AMBITION?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Friday, September 12, Complete ISIS ESSAY and Literacy Diagnostic

Objective: By the en of class, students will complete essay noting differences between analyzing, evaluating and summarizing and begin the literacy diagnostic test in order to assist in SLO's.


DEFINE the following words:



Direct Instruction

Continue to work on ISIS essay.

Tribute to 9/11

Discuss 9/11 and the current state of affairs with ISIS. View ISIS videos.

WSJ report

us involvement

video 1 

obama speech

Guided / Independent

Using a neo or writing in your best handwriting, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the ISIS situation and the need for the USA to be involved in defeating this extremist group. YOUR THESIS STATEMENT IS:

"THE ISIS situation in the Middle East has gotten completely out of control and a plan to defeat this extremist group must be implemented because of their horrific actions." 

This thesis statement can start out your introduction. Then continue in the introductory paragraph to explain who ISIS is and the goals to defeat them (listed in article). DO NOT put your opinion or a QUOTE in the Introduction.

2. Second Paragraph

From what I have seen and read, I believe... (then provide your thoughts and opinion about why US should help defeat them and what a good plan might be and why. USE EXAMPLES of things that ISIS has done from the videos and/or article provided to support your ideas. 

3. Third paragraph - conclusion

Restate thesis in similar but not exact words and then suggest what might happen if ISIS is not stopped and why you think that. Maybe make a comparison to 9/11.

Guided / Independent

Diagnostic - first two passages.

Check for understanding

Review essay with individual student during process


Review next week expectations

Exit Pass

What would you do if ISIS infiltrated the USA and a war was going to happen on US soil?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 11, Main Idea Quiz and Analyzing / Evaluatung

Objective: By the end of class, students will find main ideas, examine current events in order to improve analytical skills and written responses.


Main Idea Quiz - 25 points

Direct Instruction

EVALUATE - to judge the value or condition of (someone or something) in a careful and thoughtful way. 

When you evaluate, you provide your opinion about something but support it with EVIDENCE from the text. That means you include quotations and examples that support your ideas.


Tribute to 9/11

Discuss 9/11 and the current state of affairs with ISIS. View ISIS videos.

WSJ report

us involvement

video 1 

obama speech

Guided / Independent

Using a neo or writing in your best handwriting, ANALYZE and EVALUATE the ISIS situation and the need for the USA to be involved in defeating this extremist group. YOUR THESIS STATEMENT IS:

"THE ISIS situation in the Middle East has gotten completely out of control and a plan to defeat this extremist group must be implemented because of their horrific actions." 

This thesis statement can start out your introduction. Then continue in the introductory paragraph to explain who ISIS is and the goals to defeat them (listed in article). DO NOT put your opinion or a QUOTE in the Introduction.

2. Second Paragraph

From what I have seen and read, I believe... (then provide your thoughts and opinion about why US should help defeat them and what a good plan might be and why. USE EXAMPLES of things that ISIS has done from the videos and/or article provided to support your ideas. 

3. Third paragraph - conclusion

Restate thesis in similar but not exact words and then suggest what might happen if ISIS is not stopped and why you think that. Maybe make a comparison to 9/11.

Check for understanding

Individual student checks

Exit Pass

Spell check, print and submit. Best evaluations will be displayed in hallway on  9/11 bulletin board.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Tuesday, September 9 - Active reading Strategies

Objective: By the end of class, students will implement active reading strategies, summarize and determine prior knowledge for Keystone vocabulary in order to improve reading comprehension skills.

SUMMARIZE and  ANALYZE in your notebooks.

sum·mar·ize - verb
  1. 1. to make 
    a brief statement or account of the main points of something. WHO, WHAT WHEN WHERE AND WHY.

2. an·a·lyze - verb

    • discover or reveal (something) through detailed examination. 
      . When analyzing, details and direct quotations are used to support your idea.

Direct Instruction

Active Reading Strategies video

Hand out and review active reading strategies.  Review how to Annotate.

1. Handout short story (fiction). Read questions first.  
Use active reading strategies to complete short story and annotate as we read. Be sure to look for answers to questions as we read!! Answer questions at end of story.

2. Short non-fiction - 9/11 firefighters. Read this article, ANNOTATE and then write a summary for it. Remember a summary is simply who, what, when where and why. DO NOT include a quote in a summary.

Guided / Independent

Keystone Terms / vocabulary.  Without looking anything up, complete the following handout. Do your best. Do not worry if you do not know the answers; numbers incorrect will not negatively affect your grade.  You will receive a participation grade for completing.

Check for Understanding

Review the Keystone handout - switch and grade # correct.


Exit Pass

You took your first shop class yesterday. Summarize what you are going to accomplish in you shop his year.. 

HW - Annotate a paragraph from a newspaper article or a magazine using active reading strategies. It can be about ANYTHING but MARK IT UP!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, MAIN IDEA

Objective: By the end of class, students will examine Keystone literary terms in order to determine prior knowledge and use active reading strategies in order to find the MAIN IDEA of a passage or video..


Yesterday we focused on summarizing and using active reading strategies in order to improve comprehension. These strategies will now help you find the MAIN IDEA of a passage. Write into Notebooks:

MAIN IDEA  = TOPIC + Author's point about the topic

Direct Instruction

main idea

Main idea handout. Read directions and example.

Guided Independent

stress / learn to relax

Stress and your brain

As you watch video, write down the TOPIC, MAIN IDEA and two  DETAILS/EXAMPLES that support your main idea.

Complete main idea handout.


Review how to find the main idea.

Exit Pass - A LONG ONE

Keystone Terms / vocabulary.  Without looking anything up, complete the following handout. Do your best. Do not worry if you do not know the answers; numbers incorrect will not negatively affect your grade.  You will receive a participation grade for completing.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Monday, September 8, Introduction to English 2

Objective: By the end of class, students will be introduced to English 2 requirements, provide a writing sample and complete memory exercises in order to prepare to succeed this academic year.




Brain exercise riddle with probability

Direct Instruction

Circle words you don't know on syllabus and write down what seems most important to you on it on back.
Write a question you have about the syllabus on back.

Review and Analyze Syllabus, classroom rules and procedures. Complete folder for every student.

Guided / Independent

Please write your full name on the handout and add any nickname if you have one that you would like to be called by.  Then, in the space provided, choose a prompt to write a short paragraph using the BEST grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary that you can.
If you prefer, you may use a NEO to type instead of hand write your paragraph.

short term memory quiz

Understanding / Closure


Exit Pass

What do you consider your greatest academic strength? Weakness? Is there anything you want to tell me about yourself?