Thursday, April 28, 2016

Friday, April 29 - Fiction and Drama Review for Keystone

Objective: By the end of class, students will review elements of drama in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


Elements of fiction - quizlet

Direct Instruction

Review the TONE worksheet from yesterday. Then do the 6 more practice questions on handout.

Elements of Drama - pages 62 - 63 - Keystone Review book

view Act 1 of Pygmalion


Read page 63-64 and answer multiple choice questions on pages 65-66


Elements of Drama Quizlet

Keystone terms practice (fill in words with proper definitions)

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work


Review elements of fiction and elements of drama

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Thursday, April 28 - Keystone Module 1 review and TONE

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short passages for TONE and review skills in order to be successful on the upcoming Keystone exam.


Tone handout. Circle the words that imply tone (descriptive words that have positive or negative connotations) and then choose the right answer from multiple choice answers. 
Direct Instruction

Main Idea review - Keystone review book - pages 24-26. Read together - identify main ideas of each paragraph and supporting details. 


Answer multiple choice questions on pages 26-28.

Check for Understanding 

Review answers.


Wednesday, April 27 - Tone and Gift of the Magi Multiple choice

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze TONE and practice reading comprehension in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


What is An AMERICAN VALUE???? You may look it up. What American values are important to you?

Direct Instruction

Continue to answer "Gift of the Magi" multiple choice and constructed response questions. 

Tone practice. BE SURE TO CIRCLE the words that suggest TONE. These words have CONNOTATIONS.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, April 25 - TONE - Keystone Review Module 1

Write the definition of tone in your notebooks:

Tone is the ATTITUDE of the NARRATOR toward story events and other characters

Direct Instruction



TONE WORD BANK. Remember that the CONNOTATION of WORDS helps determine the tone and mood of something.

Tone practice handout.

Keystone Finish Line Handbook. Module 1 review - Pay particular attention to the way questions are phrased.


The Gift of the Magi - page 118-121 read and answer multiple choice and constructed response question on SEPARATE PAPER. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THESE BOOKS!

You may use book to find definitions, explanations, etc while you work. 

Make a list of questions that you have about the story and/or about the questions. We will review together.

Check for Understanding

Review answers. Discuss questions. Define terms. 


Review elements of fiction compared to drama, poetry and non-fiction.

Exit Pass

Thursday, April 21, 2016

FRIDAY, APRIL 22 - MASK OFTHE RED DEATH Assessment and Keystone review

Objective: By the end of class, students will be assessed on allegory in multiple choice and constructed response format in order to prepare for the Keystone exam and improv reading comprehensive skills.

Allegory matching handout

Direct Instruction

Watch review summary of The Mask of the Red Death.

Multiple choice and constructed response assessment.

When finished - complete work missing this week - 
1. Key Concepts
2. CRQ - Analyze how the setting influences the mood of Mask of the Red Death.
3. All side bars of MORD (pages 72-76) of soft holt adapted reader.

Thursday, April 21

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze allegory in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and make real world connections.


Match terms on handout

Summary of the Mask of the red death

Review answers to Key Concept questions.


If you haven't completed the sidebars and page 76 in holt adapted reader - do that first. 

Describe the setting of Masque of the Red Death (where is it, what does it look like, what is going on?)

Describe the MOOD of the Masque of the Red Death (what are some "mood" or "feelings" words you would use and why would you us these words?)


CRQ - Analyze how the setting of the Masque of the Red death influences the mood of the story.

When done - complete the KEY CONCEPT questions. If not completed in class, then you will complete for homework.

 Check for Understanding

individual student checks during independent work


Monday, April 18, 2016

Tuesday, April 19 - Mask of the Red Death

Objective; By the end of class, students  will analyze historical event in order to understand ALLEGORY and improve reading comprehensive skills.

Describe the three ways people dealt with the black plague in Sicily in the mid-1300's. (text book bottom of page 430). If a deadly plague hit our society, what would be your plan of action and why?

Direct Instruction
A Symbol is a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract. Many things are symbolic in Mask of the Red Death - Prince Prospero, COLORS and 7 rooms, the clock, the uninvited guest.....keep these things in mind as we read.

Symbolism of Mask of the red Death -

Write down in your notebooks. How does each color make you feel (MOOD)? From your recent studies, what else might the seven rooms represent? Why might they be arranged from EAST to WEST?? (think symbolically)

Soft Holt reader page 71-72

Guided / Independent

Finish benchmarks if necessary.

Questions on handout - can be done on NEO or in notebooks. Notice these questions address the LITERAL story and human values.

Check for understanding

Individual and group checks during independent work


review Symbolism and allegory

Exit Pass

How do you think you might react / behave if your neighborhood was threatened with a deadly disease?

Monday, April 18 - Black Plague - Intro to Mask of the Red Death

Objective: By the end of class, students will define allegory and analyze historical element on which allegorical story is based in order to improve reading comprehension strategies.

Quizlet - Allegory /  Figurative Language terms

Direct Instruction

The Mask of the Red Death by Edgar Allan Poe is an allegory for the black plague. On the surface, it is a fictional story about a masquerade party gone south, however, under the surface, Poe is really expressing the tragic effect the Black Plague had on the lives of people in 14th century Europe.


Read page 429-430 - The Black Death.

Watch video.


Write down ten facts about black plague into your notebooks. Use information from pages 429-230 and/or video.
Then, write a summary using the facts you wrote down and information from the text (pages 429-430) and from the video. In this summary, be sure to include the following information ( i will collect this):
1. When and where did the Black plague begin to spread in Europe?
2. Who were the carriers?
3. What part of the world did it originate?
4. Why did it spread so quickly and what did the people believe was  the reason for this  plague?
5. How many Europeans died from this disease?
Then Separately:
6. Describe three ways that people, rich and poor, tried to deal with the plague infiltrating the areas in which they lived. How would you deal with it?

Check for Understanding

Individual/group student checks during independent work


Review Black Plague facts.

Exit Pass

Explain how using symbols is important for an allegorical story.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thursday, April 14 - Literal vs Symbolic and Benchmarks

Objective: By the ned of class, students will determine the difference between literal and symbolic and take benchmarks in order to determine reading comprehension capabilities.


Explain the difference between literal and symbolic. What is the literal story from Walrus and the Carpenter? What is the symbolic story?


BENCHMARK - GO TO StudentNet and then to ACUITY Testing. Take your time. Answer every question. Complete the CRQ on paper (#26).

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Wed, April 13 - Walrus and Carpenter - Tone and Mood

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to identify figurative language and analyze allegory in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Seven Ages of Man multiple choice.

cartoon version of Seven Ages of Man

Direct Instruction

Guided / Independent
Text Dependent questions for Walrus and the Carpenter

Finish Constructed response from yesterday: 
Analyze how Walrus and the Carpenter is an allegory criticizing organized religion. 
Evaluate how the setting is significant to the plot of Walrus and the Carpenter.

Check for Understanding

Exit Pass

Monday, April 11, 2016

Tuesday, April 12 - Walrus and Carpenter (allegory, satire, symbolism)

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze characters in poetry to determine symbolism and satire in order to improve interpretive skills. Students will also distinguish 


1. CONVEY - to communicate and/or make understandable
2. GENERALIZATION -not specific ; inclusive of many things that are similar
3. SATIRE - the use of humor to make fun or or criticize people or specific beliefs.
4. ALLEGORY - a fictional story that represents (symbolizes) a real life event (similar to an extended metaphor but the allegory never mentions the real life event directly)

Direct Instruction

Symbolism and Allegory PPT

An allegory makes fun of something without coming right out and saying it. It usually is used to make fun of or criticize a government or religion to avoid a direct attack and possibly get in trouble for it.

Background on Lewis Carroll's religious beliefs -

Charles' father was an active and highly conservative cleric of the Church of England who later became the Archdeacon of Richmond[9] and involved himself, sometimes influentially, in the intense religious disputes that were dividing the church. He was High Church, inclining to Anglo-Catholicism, an admirer of John Henry Newman and the Tractarian movement, and did his best to instill such views in his children. Young Charles was to develop an ambiguous relationship with his father's values and with the Church of England as a whole.[10]

The "Walrus and the Carpenter" is a satire on organized religion. It uses silly characters to represent (symbolize) BIG, controversial ideas to send a message.

Walrus - Eastern religion
Carpenter = Western Religions
Oysters = common people (younger generation)

Explanation of the symbolism behind "The Walrus and the Carpenter" from the movie - "DOGMA"

Guided / Independent

read the Carpenter and the Walrus - by Lewis Carroll


1. Identify as many examples s you can of figurative language in Walrus and the Carpenter.


Walrus and the Carpenter Questions

1. Describe the setting.
2. Who does the Walrus represent (symbolize)?
3. Who does the Carpenter represent (symbolize)? 
4. Who do the oysters represent (symbolize)?
5. Why might the moon be mad that the sun is out at night?
6. What is the climax of this poem?
7. What is the falling action?
8. What is the resolution?
9. Why is the Walrus a hypocrite (acts one way but does another)?

Analyze the poem "The Walrus and the Carpenter" and explain how it is an allegory that criticizes organized religion. Be sure to cite examples from the text to support your answer (look at questions 2-5 above to help you with finding examples to support answer).


Review symbolism

Exit Pass

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Friday, April 8 - Figurative Language

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to identify figurative language in order to improve improve reading comprehensive skills.

DO NOW - write definition in notebooks and examples if needed:

Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. Common types of Figurative language include:

1. Metaphor
2. Simile
3. Personification vs. Anthropomorphism
4. Imagery
5. Hyperbole
6. Symbolism  / Allegory / Satire

Direct Instruction

figurative language

figurative language (similes and metaphors, hyperboles, personification)



anthropomorphism is not personification

more examples


Direct Instruction

What Happens to a Dream Deferred? and Mirror

Read - annotate for poetic devices and answer multiple choice questions. Then:

CRQ Analyze how the use of figurative language is significant to the meaning in "A Dream Deferred?" (first you have to identify some form of figurative language used.

Identify types of figurative language on handout provided.

Check for Understanding

review answers

Exit Pass

Why do authors use figurative language instead of just literally stating something?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Monday, April 11 - Seven Ages of Man

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze poem for figurative language and meaning in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Figurative Language Quizlet

Direct Instruction

What is the difference between an extended metaphor and a regular metaphor?

Read introduction to The Seven Ages of Man. 

morgan freeman reading poem


Annotate poem together for figurative language (similes, alliteration, metaphors, rhyme). Then break down and identify the seven stages and mark them on the poem directly.


Answer questions. 1-5 on handout provided.

Complete any work from Friday. (I will not accept late work the rest of this week)

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.


Review figurative language and the seven stages of man.
Introduce allegory and Walrus and the Carpenter.

Exit Pass

What is your favorite stage and why?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Wednesday, April 6 - Propaganda in Political Ads / Intro to

Objective: By the end of class, students will examine propaganda techniques in advertising and the media in order to improve literal and interpretive comprehension skills, evaluate effects and make real world connections


Propaganda matching terms

Direct Instruction

ISIS propaganda on social media.

Guided / Independent

Go back to your political ads from yesterday. Complete the analysis of each on the handout that was provided. Then:

Evaluate each of the ads for effectiveness. Which ad is more persuasive and what propaganda techniques are used? Be sure to refer to the commercials and specify the type of propaganda and explain how it is influential.

Check for understanding 

Individual student checks during independent work


 Review propaganda in advertsing, news and politics

Monday, April 4, 2016

Tuesday, April 5

Objective: Objective: By the end of class, students will examine propaganda techniques in advertising and the media in order to improve literal and interpretive comprehension skills, evaluate effects and make real world connections


Propaganda terms - quizlet

Direct Instruction

Discuss propaganda as a form of manipulation,  not only in advertising but in the media as well. News reports are loaded with propaganda to ensure that citizens support the country's approach or reaction to national or international events.

Connotations - persuasion vs manipulation

propaganda in american news!

video - examples of propaganda in the news (re islam)

Guided / Independent 

View the following politcal ads. Choose two or find your own and complete the handout for each.


Evaluate the ads for effectiveness. Which ad is more persuasive and what propaganda techniques are used? Be sure to refer to the commercial and specify the type of propaganda and explain how it is influential.

hillary - trump bashing / name calling

Hillary announces running for president - plain folks and bandwagon

trump - name calling

bernie sanders - plain folks and bandwagon

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work


Sunday, April 3, 2016

Monday, April 4 - Propaganda

Objective: By the end of class, students will examine propaganda techniques in advertising and the media in order to improve literal and interpretive comprehension skills, evaluate effects and make real world connections


Write the Definition of Propaganda in Notebooks:

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Direct Instruction

Types of propaganda - propaganda ppt

1. Propaganda in advertising
2. Propaganda in politics
3. Propaganda in the media


propaganda video - in advertising

Guided / Independent

Use the handout to view commercials and determine the type of propaganda.

Be sure to explain in detail why each advertisement uses the kind of propaganda that you labeled it.


Review propaganda and its ties to Bias. Introduction to propaganda in the media and politics.


Exit Pass

What type of propaganda in advertising has the biggest impact on you and why?