Thursday, September 26, 2013

Friday, September 27,

Objective: By the end of class, students will practice predicting, inferring, analyzing and evaluating.

Write this into notebooks - 


The question will often be "Analyze the author's use of (some literary device)......."

1. Identify the term the author wants you to analyze.
2. Define the term.
3. Find a example from the text (direct quote or exact example of plot)
4. Explain how the author uses this to make the story more effective  

Direct Instruction

INFER - you are a detective - look for clues
ANALYZE - use a magnifying glass on a specific part
EVALUATE -hmm...use your OWN brain!

View Ms. Reina eating ghost chilis.. 
1. predict how she will react
2. infer how she feels by looking at her
3. analyze her reaction
4. evaluate why she can eat ghost chilis without crumbling!


Analyze this - movie clip 


Sumarize how the psychiatrist ANALYZES Robert Deniro. How does he pick apart and get more deeply into his brain? Give a specific example.

Exit Pass

 What line or quote  can you refer to, to use in an analyzation of Deniro;s character?


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