Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Wednesday, March 1 - I Poetry Project - period 5

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze a poem and conduct research in order to improve comprehensive skills.


Read the following line from Seven Ages of Man

"And then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel and shining morning face creeping like snail unwillingly to school."

How does the figurative language in this line help to communicate an idea? 

Direct Instruction

Poetry Project

You will create a a power point presentation - minimum of 9 slides, the 8 outlined below plus an introduction. You will be graded on accuracy, creativity, verbal and physical presentation and completion of each section. A rubric will be provided for the presentation.

You will research from list of poems below, choose a poem and submit for approval . With your submission request, you must explain WHY you chose this poem and theme. Submit to me via email - karenreina1@gmail.com.

more theme poems

poem topics

 Each of the below should be on a slide for your presentation:

1. Choose a poem based on a theme that which you are interested. This poem must be a minimum of 8 lines. Read it several times.

2. Identify figurative language in the poem (at least three kinds). (20 points). Choose one example from these and explain how it communicates the theme.

3.  Summarize the poem in your own words in 5-8 sentences. (40 points)

4. Choose ONE line from the poem and analyze how it conveys the theme and if it has any personal significance.

.5.   Research the author and the purpose of this poem and discuss in 8-10 sentences. (40 points). Provide at least two sources and use www.easybib.com to cite them.

5.  Create a collage usng pictures (4-6) that emphasizes the theme of the poem. (20 points)

7. Find a song that accompanies the poem’s theme. Explain in 5-8 sentences how they connect.(20 points)

8.   Explain how the poem overall has influenced you (make a personal connection).   5-7 sentences.  (30 points)

This is an in class project, however, if you need more time, you should work on it at home as well. Presentations will begin Monday, (randomly picked and sporadic). 

Wednesday, March 1 - traditions - periods 1/2 and 6/7

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to research information and make evaluations in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.

Write definition into notebook:

Tradition - the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.

Direct Instruction
How are traditions developed? Why do they last, change or disappear?


halloween as an American  tradition - how did it change over time and why?

American traditions / superstitiions

American cultures changed due to technology

should our national anthem change?

what is the problem with the "Star Spangled Banner'?




Use the links below and /or do more searches to find out information regarding the following traditions. JUST PICK TWO OF THE FIVE TOPICS. RESEARCH THEM TO FIND ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS EVEN FURTHER BELOW:

1. The placing hand on heart for national anthem or pledge
2. Flying the American flag at 1/2 mast
3. Putting up and decorating trees in houses to celebrate christmas 
4. Muslim women's dress code
5. How technology has changed legal signatures

Now here are the five questions to answer for two of the topics above:

1. How did this tradition begin?
2. When did it begin?
3. Has it changed over time and if so, how?
4. If this tradition has changed, why has it? If it hasn't changed, why not?
5. Do you think this tradition requires change? Why or why not? Please base your evaluation on facts.

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work


Review the value of traditions

Exit Pass

Monday, February 27, 2017

Tuesday, Feb 28 - Complete CRQ and Begin Research

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze poem in order to improve reading and writing communication skills.


Revise or complete you CRQ from yesterday. This CRQ needs to be well-thought out and supported with evidence. Reference to Shakespeare should be made and clear references to the poem to show that you truly have a clear understanding of the extended metaphor and the theme.

Answer the CRQ below. Be sure to provide textual evidence.

The Seven Ages of Man, by William Shakespeare, is an extended metaphor comparing the stages of life to acts in a play. Briefly analyze each stage of life. Then evaluate how meaningful life is according to this poem.

Direct Instruction

Poetry Project

You will create a a power point presentation - minimum of 10 slides, the 8 outlines below plus an introductory slide and a conclusive slide. You will be graded on accuracy, creativity, verbal and physical presentation and completion of each section. A rubric will be provided for the presentation.

Direct Instruction

You will research from list of poems below, choose a poem and submit for approval before class tomorrow. With your submission request, you must explain WHY you chose this poem and theme. Submit to me via email - karenreina1@gmail.com.

more theme poems

poem topics

Each of the below should be on a slide for your presentation:

1.     Choose a poem based on a theme that which you are interested. This poem must be a minimum of 8 lines. Read it several times
2.     Identify figurative language in the poem (at least three kinds). (20 points)
3.     Summarize the poem in your own words in 5-8 sentences. (40 points)
4.     Research the author and the purpose of this poem and discuss in 8-10 sentences. (40 points). Provide at leat two sources and use easybib.com to cite them.
5.     Creates wordle about the poem at wordle .com. focusing on the theme of the poem. (20 points)
6.     Create a visual, collage using 4-6 pictures. (20 points).
7.     Find a song that accompanies the poem’s theme. Explain in 5-8 sentences how they connect.(20 points)

8.     Explain how the poem is significant to you!  5-7 sentences.  (30 points)

Tuesday, Feb 28 - The trial of Mary Maloney

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze themes of LTTS and form opinions in order to make real-world connections.


Write down some themes of of LTTS -

  • Betrayal ( Patrick betrays Mary / Mary betrays the police)
  • People are unpredictable (small, weak Mary?? NOT)
  • Human Nature prevails (mother does anything to protect baby / some also say it was in Patrick's nature to "cheat")

Direct Instruction

Analyze Mary's character in beginning of story compared to after she killed Patrick. Discuss and note types of conflicts and conflict resolutions on handout.


Review directions for the ARGUMENT ASSIGNMENT.


Choose an argument and then find evidence to support your argument by completing handout. Then type your argument on a NEO. Be sure to be persuasive and use Mary's character traits to help support your claim in addition to the quotes and instances you use to convict her or aquit her.

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work

Monday, Feb 26 - Seven Ages of MAn

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze poem for figurative  language and meaning in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Direct Instruction

Groups formed by who was here on Friday...to teach those who weren't here, how to analyze the poem - Seven Ages of Man, identify figurative language and find tone words.

Circle tone words for each stage. Use the handout to help you find the right words. These are descriptive words. Are they positive or negative words?

Also, as you read, on the poem, identify examples of:


Answer the CRQ below. Be sure to provide textual evidence.

The Seven Ages of Man, by William Shakespeare, is an extended metaphor comparing the stages of life to acts in a play. Briefly analyze each stage of life. Then evaluate how meaningful life is according to this poem.

Monday, Feb 26 - Lamb to the Slaughter -

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Check walls for any information that you should ha.ve in your notebooks. Everything with an ORANGE STAR should be in your notebook.

Direct Instruction

Inferencing / multiple choice test.

LTTS short film

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Friday, Feb 23 - Lamb to the Slaughter

Objective: By the ned of class, students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Look up the definitions of internal and external conflict in the text book glossary and copy into your notebooks.

Direct Instruction


Review plot structure.

Review expectations of classwork yesterday - complete and be sure to provide quotes to support each example of situational and dramatic irony as well as the internal and external conflicts.


Answer the following CRQ on the graphic organizer provided.

Analyze how the author, Roald Dahl uses dramatic irony to create suspense in Lamb to the Slaughter.

When done, get your NEO and type your answer into PROSE form.

Friday- Seven Ages of Man -

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze poem for figurative  language and meaning in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.

Turn in Homework 
Use a copy of the poem to find the answers to the text-based questions on the Quizlet - Seven Ages of Man 

Direct Instruction

Read poem together. 
Circle tone words for each stage. Use the handout to help you find the right words. These are descriptive words. Are they positive or negative words?

Also, as we read, on the poem, identify 2 examples of:
and one example of repetition.


Answer the CRQ below. Be sure to provide textual evidence.

Briefly analyze each stage of life in this extended metaphor poem. Then evaluate, according to this poem, how meaningful is life?

thursday Feb 23 - Period 5 - Seven Ages of MAn

Objective: By the  end of class, students will analyze poem for figurative language and meaning in order to improve comprehensive skills.


Seven Ages of Man  - vocabulary / matching

Direct Instruction

Review the seven ages. 

 Annotate the poem for figurative language.

listen one more time


Answer the following questions and provide textual evidence for each.

1. What age do you identify with most? 
2. Do you agree with the seven ages or stages of life?
3. What in the poem suggests that life "comes full circle"?
4. What is the TONE of the poem? 
5. What seems to be the happiest stages of life? Explain and provide textual evidence.
6. Explain how "The Seven Stages of Man" is an extended metaphor.


Quizlet for Seven Ages of Man

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during guided practice and independent work. Check graphic organizers from yesterday.

short theme poems

Thursday, Feb 23 - LTTS - IRONY AND PLOT

Objective: By the end o class, students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Start plot structure for Lamb to the slaughter - Consider the Turning point to be when Mary bashes Patrick in the head and kills him with the frozen leg of lamb.

Direct Instruction


situational irony

dramatic irony


Review elements of plot and discuss conflict. Discuss Mary as a Dynamic character and debate how she does or does not change over time.


Answer irony and plot questions on handout provided.

Complete any comprehensive questions and/or character trait questions..


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Wednesday, Feb 22 - Characterization and LTTS

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Look over the sampling of character traits on the list provided to you. Circle 5 that describe YOU.

Direct Instruction



Skim the first two pages again and look for character traits for Mary and her husband, Patrick. Provide three traits for each on the graphic organizer provided. Remember you can't tell me what Patrick THINKS...only what he says and does because this story is written in 3rd person Limited POV from Mary's perspective.

Guided Continued

Read together conclusion of LTTS.


Complete study guide questions that you started yesterday.

Complete plot structure for LTTS. 

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work

Feb 22 - Wednesday - Seven Ages of Man

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze poem for figurative language and meaning in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Extended metaphor - DEFINITION

The term extended metaphor refers to a comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem. 

Direct Instruction

What is the difference between an extended metaphor and a regular metaphor?

review of types of figurative language

Read introduction to The Seven Ages of Man. 

morgan freeman reading poem


Annotate poem for figurative language (similes, alliteration, metaphors, rhyme). Then break down and identify the seven stages and mark them on the poem directly.


Complete "7 stages" on back of poem.

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.


Review figurative language and the seven stages of man.

Exit Pass

What is your favorite stage and why?

Friday, February 17, 2017

Objective: By the end of class, students will make predictions, and inferences in short fiction in order to improve reading comprehension.


Use glossary in text book to define the following terms in your notebooks:
1. Dramatic Irony
2. Situational Irony
3. Direct Characterization
4. Indirect Characterization

Direct Instruction
Can you predict what this story is going to be about by the title and background picture?

roald dahl in a minute

lamb to the slaughter


Read Lamb to the Slaughter together.  Annotate for vocabulary and key information. information you want to highlight or underline includes:
1. Details about setting
2. Description of characters.
3. Any interesting events (plot).
4. Anything that is confusing or not clear. 

Be sure to write in the margin WHY you underlined what you do. Otherwise, when you go back, you won't know what you are looking for. Use the annotation guide lines distributed last week to help you annotate.


Complete comprehensive questions 

Begin the plot structure graphic organizer -

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.


Discuss how the setting affects the plot.

Exit Pass

How might things have been different if the setting was in a restaurant?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Thursday, Feb 16 - Finding Evidence

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Walk around the room with your notebook and be sure to notice everything posted with an orange star. These are the things that should also be in your notebooks. Make sure they are. I will collect notebooks tomorrow for a notebook check.

Direct Instruction 

Why is finding evidence important???

1. You must support  your opinion with FACTS. 
2. Your quotes should not be too long....and you should always have more of your own words than quote, however, without textual evidence, you have a very weak argument.
3. It is not plagerizing as long as it is in "quotation marks" and you explain it in your own words, using the quote to support what you claim.

Guided / Independent

Get a partner and take your copy of JANE'S BACK.
Cut the gems out.
Find evidence for each one in Jane' s Back.
Underline that evidence and glue the gem near it with an arrow to it.

Wednesday - MAcbeth Act 5

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Ensure that you have every definition on your literary terms sheet complete with an example from the text and turn in for final grade.

Direct Instruction

Read ACT 5 scenes 1 and 3 and 5 and 8

Guided / Independent

Review the text questions for Act 5.

Test tomorrow and Friday (both 1/2 days). Test will include identifying quotes (who said them and what do they mean and/or symbolize) and a constructed response. You will have a choice of 1/2 for the CRQ.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Wednesday, Feb 15- Jane's Back

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Matching terms  and multiple choice for elements of FICTION

Direct Instruction

Review transitional words and phrases. Together write a summary for Jane's Back. For each sentence we will use a transitional word.


Handout and review together, the graphic organizer for a CRQ for Jane's Back.  Keep the transitional words out for use in this piece of writing as well.

CRQ Question

Because Jane's Back is written in the Objective Point of View, explain how you used inferencing to determine who killed Marla. Use textual evidence to support your answer.


Complete the CRQ on own. Find the textual evidence and explain how it supports your idea and then add a concluding sentence. 

Tuesday, Feb 14 - MAcbeth Act 4

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze Drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Describe each apparition and what each tells Macbeth - 137-141. How does Macbeth feel after hearing the new prophecies for the future?

Direct Instruction

View film through Lady Macduff  scene.


Answer text questions for Act 4 plus  your choice - 3 of the In depth questions for the same Act.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Tuesday, Feb 14 - Jane's Back and POV

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction and POV in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Define the three following words and use each in a sentence:
1. Silhouette
2. Portly
3. Ravine

Direct Instruction

Apply the story, Jane's Back to a plot structure. 


point of view / narrative perspective


From what Point of View or Narrative Perspective is JANE"S BACK told? 

Using a NEO, first summarize the story of Jane's Back. That means, simply explain what happens in the story in your own words. Then, in a NEW paragraph:

Explain how the narrative perspective (third person objective) of Jane's Back allows the reader to infer what happens. What would the story be like if written from first person POV (jane's)???

Macbeth - Act 4

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Add the following definitions to your literary terms sheet:





Direct Instruction / Guided

Read Act IV - scene 1 & 2

First witch
Second Witch
Third Witch
All three apparitions
Lady Macduff


View film through Act 4

Answer questions A-E - "Reviewing the text"  - Act IV

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Monday, Feb 13 - Inferencing in short fiction

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Write the definition of inferencing into your notebooks:

INFERENCING (TO INFER) - to make an educated guess about what is happening based on evidence (it is not a random guess). 

When you infer what is happening, it is easier to make a prediction about what will happen next!

Direct Instruction

Inferencing video

Hand out annotation/ active reading strategies sheets  and JANES BACK.


Read Jane's Back - handout - make inferences and predictions along the way. Be sure to annotate for vocabulary and use the symbols provided or make up your own to note important, surprising or confusing information!


Plot structure for Jane's Back.....inferencing for falling action is especially important (reread last page).

#13 is to be completed on a separate piece of paper or a NEO. 

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.


Review Inferencing and active reading strategies.

Exit Pass

Friday, February 10, 2017

Macbeth - At 3 -

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze Drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Handout - vocab words used in questions...do you know what the question is asking of you??

Direct Instruction

act 3 summary

Finish reading Act 3.

Guided / Independent

View through Act 3

Check for Understanding

Summarize Act 3 in 4-6 sentences.