Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Wednesday, November 30 - RFK CRQ

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze persuasive speech in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


What from RFK's speech impacted you the most and would you categorize it as logical, emotional or ethical and why?

Direct Instruction

Review Speech analysis sheet for RFK and Malcolm X.

Guided / Independent

Choose one of the two CRQ's below and use the graphic organizer provided (you can use a NEO and use it as a guide or write directly on it) to construct your answer:

What does Malcolm X mean by The Ballot or the Bullet and how does he use emotional appeal to influence the crowd? Use two pieces of textual evidence to support your answer.


What is RFK's goal in his speech, Eulogy for MLK, Jr and how does he use emotional appeal to achieve it? Use two pieces of textual evidence to support your answer.


Wednesday - November 30 - Act 1 Macbeth

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze drama and elements of drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


On your literary terms sheet, define the following five terms and provide examples from Macbeth for three of the five:

1. Soliloquy - definition and example
2. Dramatic irony - definition and example
3.  Blank Verse - definition and example
4. Tragedy - definition
5. Tragic Hero - definition

Direct Instruction

Summarize action to date. 


Finish reading Act 1 - pages 33-47


Continue to answer and complete ACT 1 questions from Study guide. I will collect ACT 1 questions and answers by the end of class for a grade. 

Check for Understanding

Individual Student checks during independent work.


Review for Act 1 test on Thursday.

Tuesday, November 29 - RFK Speech

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze persuasive speech in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Malcom X quote / handout - 30 points

Direct /  Guided Instruction

Read RFK speech - Eulogy for MLK, Jr.  - annotate for persuasive elements ( Logical, emotional, ethical appeals, repetition, rhetorical questions)

View RFK speech

assasination of RFK


Complete the Speech Analysis sheet for RFK.

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work


Review effective Persuasive Techniques compared to weaker use of propaganda

Monday, November 28, 2016

Tuesday, November 29 - Macbeth

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Quiz handout

Direct Instruction

Elements of a Drama

Assign roles - complete ACT 1. Summarize ACT 1.


Begin Plot structure for Macbeth

Read/ act together - act 1 - pages 25-47


Study Questions

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work


Make predictions

Monday, November 27 - Malcom X Speech Analysis

Objective: by the end of class, students will analyze and evaluate persuasive speech in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.

Ethos Pathos Logos quizlet

Direct Instruction

Use your Malcolm X Speech to complete the Speech Analysis Worksheet. 

Guided  / Independent

CRQ - Analyze EITHER an emotional, logical or ethical appeal (choose one) that Malcolm X uses to persuade his audience in the speech, The Ballot or the Bullet.

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work


Review for RFK speech.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Nov 28 - macbeth intro

Objective: By the end of class, students will learn new vocabulary and analyze 16th century England in order to make real life connections.

Copy words and definitions into notebooks:
GREED1excessive consumption of or desire for food and/or excessive desire for wealth or power. It is NEGATIVE and selfish.

AMBITION =1. strong desire for success, achievement, or distinction  // a goal. It is POSITIVE and not selfish.

FATE = The development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. Fate is geerally believed to be pre-determined. One's actions cannot change one's fate.

DESTINY the particular state of a person or thing in the futureconsidered as resulting from earlier events. Destiny is generally believed to be somewhat influenced by one's actions, therefore, the choices you make throughout life matter.

Direct Instruction

Discuss FATE vs. DESTINY. 

macbeth intro slideshare

Do you believe a person's true nature and personality are shaped when they are born (innate) or do you think environment is a greater factor? Explain.

Direct Instruction

Characterization powerpoint


Read descriptions of characters from NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE  Macbeth. List character traits for:
1. Macbeth
2. Duncan
3. Banquo
4. Malcolm
5. 3 witches

Remember that you know about characters from not only what they look like, but what they say, how they act, their effects on others etc (indirect character traits).

Also, be sure to write down the three prophecies that the witches proclaim for each Macbeth and Banquo.

Read Act 1 scenes 1-3 - Macbeth


Answer study guide questions for Act 1 scenes 1-3.

Check for Understanding 

review answers

Tuesday, NOVEMBER 22 - Persuasive Malcom X speech

Your objective for the day is to read the last four paragraphs of the Malcolm X speech - "THE BALLOT OR THE BULLET" and identify:
2 logical appeals
2 emotional appeals
2 loaded words
2 examples of repetition
2 rhetorical questions

Identify them clearly on the speech itself. I will collect and grade today (5 points for each so 60 points total). 

You have 22 minutes.

Tuesday, November 22 - Conclusion to essay

Objective: By the end of class, students will complete short persuasive essay by adding conclusion

Direct Instruction

In your conclusion, include an opposing argument. Recognize the fact that there  are other opinions that do not agree with yours. Then reemphasize why your opinion is better and the reader should take your side.

In conclusion, FB can be a fun, informative source of social media, however, it can cause one to withdraw from human interaction.
I know that many would disagree that FB does not cause isolation, but spending hours in front of a computer screen does not replace the connection one can develop when with others, sharing emotions and finding common bonds.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Monday, November 21 - Introduction and continue developing Persuasive essay

Objective: By the end of class, students will begin to construct a research-based persuasive essay in order to improve reading comprehensive and writing skills.


Write the following definition into your notebooks:

an·ec·dote - a short and amusing or interesting story about a                     real incident or person.




Start your introduction with an anecdote that demonstrates an example connected to your thesis. Your thesis statement can then follow your anecdote to conclude your introductory paragraph. Remember your thesis, for this paper will say something like....

"There are many logical and emotional reasons why .....(insert here whatever your position is on your topic)

Continue to develop your body paragraphs as per directions from last week ( cut and pasted below)

THE FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH (logical - logos):

Example: In google, I will type, "logical reasons that Facebook can make people lose touch with reality" - 

THEN: Write your first paragraph about the LOGICAL REASONS (LOGOS). Have ONE QUOTE in this paragraph.

Cut and paste the website address from which you found the quote and put it at the end of your document. use EASYBIB.COM to cite your sources properly.

2nd body paragraph (emotional - pathos):

Then research - "negative emotional effects of overusing Facebook" - see what you come up with -
Write your second body paragraph - all about emotional effects an include one quote. 

Cut and paste the website address from which you found the quote and put it at the end of your document. Use EASYBIB.COM to cite your sources properly.

Tomorrow we will work on your conclusions.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday, Nov 18 - Intro to Civil Rights Movement / Malcom X persuasive Speech

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze historical events and persuasive speeches in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and persuasive abilities.


Ethos / Pathos 
Direct Instruction

We discussed international human rights through fiction and non-fiction....Now we are examining equal rights in the United States. 

The Fourteenth Amendment
The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws".

Chief Joseph fought for equal rights in his speech to the White House in 1879, 11 years after the 14th Amendment. But as we read and discussed, equal rights were not afforded to the NAtive American Indians. 

The fight, however, did not stop there. Fast Forward 1960's.....

Civil Rights Montage

JFK Speech on Equal Rights..civil rights motage

jfk assasination

1964 civil rights act signed by lyndon johnson

ballot or the bullet


Read together excerpt from The Ballot or the Bullet - 1964 by Malcom X.  Identify ethical, logical and emotional appeals as we  read. Also look for "loaded" words, and any form of propaganda and/or bias.


1. Identify three logical appeals.
2. Identify three emotional appeals.
3. Identify two ethical appeals.
4. List at least 5 "LOADED" words - words with a strong negative or positive connotations. Explain how these words influence the reader.
5. 2 examples of repetition.
5. One Rhetorical question.
6. One Name-calling.

7. Evaluate the ethical, emotional and logical appeals presented by Malcom X in his speech, the Ballot or the Bullet. Which type of appeal, in this speech, do you think is most effective and why? Provide textual evidence for your answer.

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.


Review elements of strong persuasive speeches.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Thursday, November 17 - Chief Joseph Persuasive Speech

Objective:By the end of class, students will analyze persuasive speech to identify persuasive elements to improve reading comprehensive skills.


The Chief Joseph Speech is PERSUASIVE and duirected at the US Government in 1879, more than a decade after the 14th Amendment was added to the constitution. 

Peruse the first paragraph of CHIEF JOSEPH speech. Circle repetitive words or phrases. What do you think he is trying to emphasize by the repetition of these phrases and words?

Direct Instrution

Read together Chief Joseph Speech. Identify logical, emotional and ethical appeals as well as repetition, rhetorical questions.


Finish Benchmarks.......

Answer the multiple choice and constructed response question fro Chief Joseph.

Check for Understanding


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Thursday, November 17 - Persuasive Essay Writing

Objective: By the end of class, students will begin to construct a research-based persuasive essay in order to improve reading comprehensive and writing skills.


How to create a reference page:


You must cite every website that you use for information and/or direct quotes in your essay and put them on your reference page at the end of your paper. I recommend doing this as you find sites so you have them available to you and remember where good information can be found.


This will be a 5 paragraph essay:
1- Introduction
2 - Logical Appeals
3 - Emotional Appeals
4 - Ethical Appeals
5 - Conclusion

How do you even begin? Do not get overwhelmed.

After choosing a topic, you will spend sometime researching logical, emotional and ethical appeals and thinking about a THESIS statement.

What is a thesis statement? A thesis statement is a single sentence contained in your introductory paragraph that embodies what your whole essay is going to be about. In a persuasive essay, it clearly states your opinion.

Example Prompt:
Does Facebook (or other forms of social media) create isolation Facebook lets people stay connected and meet new friends, yet some argue people spend so much time on social media that they lose contact with real life.

Thesis Statement:

In addition to negative emotional and ethical effects, logic has proven that excessive use of Facebook has a negative impact on individuals because they lose touch with reality.



THE FIRST BODY PARAGRAPH (logical - logos):

Example: In google, I will type, "logical reasons that Facebook can make people lose touch with reality" - 

Take 15 minutes to peruse some sites about your topic and logical appeals. Find one you like.

THEN: Write your first paragraph about the LOGICAL REASONS (LOGOS). Have ONE QUOTE in this paragraph.

Cut and paste the website address and put it at the end of your document - I will show you later how to make a reference page.

2nd body paragraph (emotional - pathos):

Then research - "negative emotional effects of overusing Facebook" - see what you come up with - take 15 minutes to read and decide on a good site from which to get information.

Write your second body paragraph - all about emotional effects an include one quote. 

Cut and paste the website address and put it at the end of your document - I will show you later how to make a reference page.

3rd Body Paragraph - (ethical, ethos, credible source)

Write your second body paragraph - all about FB using credible, believable sources an include one quote. 

Cut and paste the website address and put it at the end of your document - I will show you later how to make a reference page.

That's all for today - we will work on Introduction, conclusion and reference page tomorrow and Monday.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Wednesday, November 9 -

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze persuasive speech in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


ethos / pathos / logos / propaganda review quiz

Direct Instruction

Review RFK Speech - view speech


Pair up to discuss why the appeal that you chose to be most influential(from the speech analysis you did on Monday) in RFK's speech is effective in delivering his message.


CRQ - use the graphic organizers 

Analyze the use of persuasive appeals in RFK's eulogy speech for MLK, Jr. and evaluate which one he uses most effectively and why. Be sure to cite textual evidence in your answer and explain how it is effective. Also, be sure that you state what his PURPOSE was in delivering this speech.

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday, November 1 - Ethos / Pathos / Logos

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze persuasive speech in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


1. Logical Appeals (LOGOS)
2. Emotional Appeals (PATHOS)
3. Ethical Appeal (ETHOS)
4. Repetition of words or phrases.
5. Rhetorical Questions (questions that do not require an answer)
6. Loaded words (words that have a strong negative or positive connotation) 

Direct Instruction
We discussed international HUMAN rights and now we will look at EQUAL rights in the  USA. 

The Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction "the equal protection of the laws".

nez perce and chief joseph


Peruse the first paragraph of CHIEF JOSEPH speech. Circle repetitive words or phrases.

Read together Chief Joseph Speech. Identify logical, emotional and ethical appeals as well as repetition, rhetorical questions
