Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Wednesday, May 25 - In text citations.

Objective: By the end of class, students will create complete their WORKS CITED page, create in text citations and develop a thesis statement in order to learn rules of how to write a research paper in MLA format.


Write this down:

If your source has an author, write the author's last name and then page number in the in text citation. If no author, just write the title in quotation marks.

Example: Unfortunately, transgenders suffer financially as we. There is discrimination against transgenders in the traditional job market and therefore they have trouble obtaining or holding jobs that pay above cost of living expenses."The National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS) found that 15 percent of respondents were living in severe poverty, making less than $10,000/year" ("Understanding the Transgender Community").
Direct Instruction

Create a thesis statement from your TOPIC. Include three major areas for your thesis. 

Example Thesis Statement to my topic which is Transgenders and Social Issues: 

Thesis Statement: Transgenders face many obstacles in today's society including job discrimination, bias and violence and barriers to healthcare.

Guided / Independent

Once you have a thesis, take a few minutes to read your sources and see if they contain information that you may use.

Choose one piece of your thesis and write a paragraph about it. Use ONE quote from one of your sources in this paragraph. Be sure to place the IN_TEXT citation by either following the quote with the author's last name in parentheses or the title of the article if there is no author (as I showed you in the "DO NOW" from today).

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.



Monday, May 23, 2016

Tuesday, May 24 - Research and Referencing

Objective: By the end of class, students will learn how to research a topic and create a reference page in order to obtain skills necessary for future academic and employment requirements.


Write down these three sites in your notebooks:

To create citations
1. KNIGHT CITE - http://www.calvin.edu/library/knightcite/
2. EASYBIB - http://www.easybib.com/

A full guide to MLA formatting
3. MLA Format - https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/


Demonstration of research and how to use Easybib.com.

1. Topic = Transgender social issues
2. Google the topic
3. Read through some information on different sites.
4. Determine REPUTABLE sites which means the information is credible. These sites are  often .org or .edu or .gov
5. When you find a good source of information, highlight the URL and open another tab and go to Easybib or Knightcite.
6. Make sure you click on "website" and MLA format.
7. Paste URL.
8. Hit "create citation."
9. Add in any additional information that Easybib asks for if possible. (in knightcite you will have already done that). Then hit create again and cut and paste citation onto a word doc titled "WORKS CITED."
10. Be sure each reference has a "hanging indentation" (when cut and pasting, sometimes the indentation disappears).

Guided / Independent

Your turn. Get your chrome book and give it a try. Choose a topic and find three good sources of information. On google docs, create a "WORKS CITED"  page with the three citations that you created by using Knight cite or Easybib. Be sure they are in alphabetical order and have hanging indentations.

For those of you working on resumes, think of any work experience you have had, volunteer experience, shop experience, any extracurricular activities in which you are involved, sports, clubs, etc. Write them all down on a google docs page under separate heading. Share with me.

Choose a topic to research.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday, May 13 - Keystone Review

Objective: By the end of class, students will review elements of various genres and be assessed cumulatively in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.

 20 questions - 5 points each. Answers in your notebooks, on the walls or in your brains. We covered every single one of those questions / answers at some point during the semester.

Direct Instruction

Figurative language multiple choice practice.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Thursday, May 12 - Characterization

Objective: By the end of class students will review characterization in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.

Do Now

What is the difference between DIRECT and INDIRECT characterization?

If you didn't complete the random multiple choice Keystone questions I handed out yesterday - do so now and turn in

Direct Instruction


Guided / Independent

Baseball story (FICTION) - answer all questions on back

Practice elements of fiction handout

Check for Understanding

Review random multiple choice questions / answers and WHY.


Review figurative language and point of view.

Wednesday, May 11 - Characterization and Style

Objective: By the end of class, students will review characterization and author's style in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


Keystone book - page 239-241  - this is a quiz. 7 multiple choice questions - 5 points each. You do not have to do the constructed response.

Direct Instruction

Author's Style

Guided / Independent

Read directions to Style worksheet. Read carefully and answer questions on the back. Be sure to annotate each passage.

Complete random multiple choice questions on handout. You should be able to answer most of them without reading the passages. Only # 2 and # 12 are not possible without the passage.

Check for Understanding

Individual Student checks during independent work.


Review style and answers to classwork.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday, May 9 - Informational vs Persuasive Text

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze informational and persuasive text in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


Objective vs subjective writing - what is the difference? Is persuasive objective or subjective? Is informational subjective or objective?

Direct Instruction

HOLT ADAPTED READER - page 104 - 108

Guided / Independent

1. How is the information from The War Escalates constructed? Why do you think it is constructed in that manner?

2. Why is it considered more objective than subjective?

3. MLK, Jr. 's speech, Declaration of Independence from the War in Vietnam, is persuasive. What is his message?

4. Is his speech objective or subjective? Provide 3 examples of words or phrases that support your answer.


Analyze how MLK constructs his argument in order to deliver his message to the American people.

Check for Understanding

Individual Student checks during independent work


Review non-fiction and intro style 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Friday, May 6 - Non- Fiction / Persuasion / Propaganda

Objective: By the end of class, students will review non-fiction - Persuasion and the use of propaganda in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


Define the following terms (many on on the walls):
1. Synthesize
2. Evaluate
3. Analyze
4. Construct 
5. Narrative
6. Perspective
7. Text Structure
8. Dilemna
9. Magnitude
10. Science Fiction
11. Distinguish
12. Essential vs Non-Essential Information

Direct Instruction

Fact / Opinion in persuasive writing. Page218 -Keystone book

Listen / watch excerpt of FDR speech


Read Franklin D Roosevelt's speech -219-220 answer multiple choice together

Read about bias and propaganda page 222 and then answer the questions on page 224-225.

Discuss what it mean to CONSTRUCT an argument.


Chrome books - go to my blog and click on links below to practice:

 non-fiction scatter game

Persuasive techniques


How to construct an argument

Check for understanding - 

Individual student checks during independent work


Review elements of persuasion

Thursday, May 5 - Non-Fiction - Persuasion review for Keystone

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze persuasive speech in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


persuasive writing quizlet

Direct Instruction

Read page 139 - Keystone review book. Author's PURPOSE in non-fiction is to inform or persuade or instruct unlike fiction which is to entertain.

Informational vs Persuasive - both Non - Fiction

Read 140-141 together and answer multiple choice together.

Discuss Persuasion - remember RFK speech, Marc Antony speech

chief joseph video speech

Read together page146 - 147. Answer Multiple choice and constructed response on a separate piece of paper. Please be sure to use enough of your OWN words in your constructed response. Remember:

When done - go to practice non-fiction scatter game

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work


Review elements of PERSUASION and elements of INFORMATIONAL text  (both non-fiction)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Wednesday, May 3 - Practice / Review of Poetry, Fiction and Drama Genres

Objective: By the end of class, students will complete fiction assessment, review multiple choice strategies and practice review for genres of poetry, fiction and drama in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


Write a summary of Call of the Wild - story you read yesterday

Direct Instruction

Review multiple choice answers.

Complete fiction test and multiple choice from yesterday. if done, you may get a chrome book and go to the following sites for practice / review.

genre game - multiple choice

genre concentration game

soccer poetry - figurative language review

genre scatter game 

elements of fiction scatter game

elements of drama scatter game

elements of poetry scatter game

Check for Understanding 

Individual student checks during independent work


 Intro to review of non-fiction starting tomorrow.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Tuesday, May 3 - Fiction Assessment

Objective: By the end of class, students will be assessed on elements of fiction in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


Train your brain - these multiple choice questions are doable without reading a passage. Read them carefully and use multiple choice strategies. You need to know your definitions of elements of fiction in order to do this successfully.

Direct Instruction

Read "Call of the Wild." Answer the 5 multiple choice questions - they are worth 10 points each!!

Answer the CRQ on the back. Be sure to:


Many of you are not explaining enough in your own words. This is important for the Keystone exam. The quote you use SUPPORTS what YOU say...not the other way around. Be sure you explain enough so that the reader understands your answer without having to go back and look at the text.

Check for Understanding / Closure

Review answers to Train your Brain (I will grade and return them while you are taking the Call of Wild test)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Monday, May 2 - Poetry and Fiction Review

Objective : By the end of class, students will review elements of poetry and fiction in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.


Answer the multiple choice questions  - you can answer them without reading a passage.

Direct Instruction

Fiction jeopardy

Drama jeopardy

hyperbole and alliteration examples

Guided/ Independent Instruction

POETRY - read/  analyze the poem SCARS and annotate every stanza. Then answer questions on the back.

Check for understanding
 Individual student checks during independent work


Review elements of drama, poetry and fiction.