Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Thursday, Feb 16 - Finding Evidence

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Walk around the room with your notebook and be sure to notice everything posted with an orange star. These are the things that should also be in your notebooks. Make sure they are. I will collect notebooks tomorrow for a notebook check.

Direct Instruction 

Why is finding evidence important???

1. You must support  your opinion with FACTS. 
2. Your quotes should not be too long....and you should always have more of your own words than quote, however, without textual evidence, you have a very weak argument.
3. It is not plagerizing as long as it is in "quotation marks" and you explain it in your own words, using the quote to support what you claim.

Guided / Independent

Get a partner and take your copy of JANE'S BACK.
Cut the gems out.
Find evidence for each one in Jane' s Back.
Underline that evidence and glue the gem near it with an arrow to it.

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