Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday, Nov. 26, Intro to Allegory / Black death

Objective: By the end of class, students will learn the history of the black death, comprehend allegory, and lean new vocabulary.


Contagion is a noun meaning the spreading of a disease. Contagious is the adjective form of the noun. Use each in a sentence using context clues.  Remember  noun is a THING and an adjective describes a noun.

Direct Instruction

Allegory - write definition in notebooks.

Common well known allegories - 

Alice in Wonderland 

The Simpsons 

Family Guy


By yourselves, read background of Black death - page 429 holt text.  Take notes - bullet point top ten facts. If you are unsure how to find facts, pick the most important thing from each paragraph.

View history of black death.

Quick write - Rich and powerful people build huge houses with high walls all around it to block out all the upsetting things in life.  However, what are things in life that all of us have to face no matter who we are or how much money we have? Write down your thoughts - at least 3-5 sentences.

READ introduction of Edgar Allan Poe's The Mask of the Red Death, page 418 .


Read / interpret pages 420 - 422 -answer the following questions - 

1. What is allegorical about the names of the characters?
2. What does Poe's description of the rooms suggest about their allegorical meaning? 
3. How do the colors of the last room affect the mood or emotional atmosphere of the story? 

Exit Pass

Why are political problems often the subject of allegories?

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