Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday, and Thursday - HOMS -

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and make real world connections.


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Direct Instruction

Read to page 

Guided / Independent _ ON GOOGLE DOC

Darius & the Clouds
This chapter once again brings up the idea of making the best of what you have. What lines reinforce this idea? 

And Some More
How does the dialogue create a sense of the friendship between the girls?

The Family of Little feet
The girls refer to themselves as Cinderella and Christmas. What does this type of imagery show about them (what idea does it communicate about how the girls feel about themselves)?

Rice Sandwich
Once again Esperanza endures a humiliating experience. How is the experience with the nun in this chapter similar to the experience in chapter one? Why does Esperanza lie about her home? 

Feet are an important metaphor in this chapter. What could the feet symbolize for Esperanza in this chapter? 

Explain the significance of the following quotes. 
1. "One day you wake up and they are there. Ready and waiting like a new Buick with keys in the ignition. Ready to take you where?" 
2. She is too many light-years away. She is in a world we don’t belong to anymore. "

The First Job
The exploitation of women is a major theme of this novel. How is this theme developed in this chapter?

Discuss how Esperenza is still naive.

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