Saturday, April 29, 2017

Monday, May 1 - The call of the Wild

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze poem and drama and compare themes in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the Keystone exam.


Random Multiple choice questions

Direct Instruction

Drama review


The call of the Wild - Keystone book - pages 79-81

Review multiple choice questions first - then read passage 


Complete multiple choice questions

Keystone terms puzzle

Friday, April 28, 2017

Friday, April 28 -

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze poem and drama and compare themes in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the Keystone exam.


Random Multiple choice questions

Direct Instruction

Read poem 66-67- Because I COULD NOT STOP FOR DEATH  - By Emily Dickinson

Annotate for figurative language, rhyme, meaning...etc


Complete multiple choice questions on 69-70


Complete constructed response from yesterday - 

Analyze Hamlet's internal conflict in his soliloquy, To BE or Not to Be" and provide at least two examples of textual evidence.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday - April 27 - Period 5 - To be or Not to Be

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze elements of drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the Keystone literature exam.


Look at the translated version of the soliliquoy, "To Be or Not to Be." On the back of this sheet, what is his internal conflict in this speech.

Direct Instruction

Read the NO FEAR version an annotate for reasons to commit suicide and reasons not to.

Has he come to a clear decision at the end of this soliloquy? 

Complete TO BE OR NOT TO BE handout - identify and analyze

On the back of the handout: Analyze Hamlet's internal conflict in his soliliquoy, "To be or not to Be," and use textual evidence to support your answer.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Wednesday, April 26 - Drama

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze elements of drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the Keystone literature exam.


Drama matching terms

Direct Instruction

Read intro to Hamlet excerpt 

Read soliliquoy and annotate

Hamlet - cliff notes

Read the NO FEAR version


Complete TO BE OR NOT TO BE handout - identify and analyze

On the back of the handout: Explain Hamlet's internal conflict in his soliliquoy - To be or not to Be and use textual evidence to support your answer.

Tuesday, April 25 - Poetry Continued

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze a poem in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the Keystone exam.


How does Shakespeare communicate the idea that there is no life after death  at the end of Seven Ages of Man?

Direct Instruction

Review questions for Goldfinches

Read and annotate Goldfinches 

Guided / Independent

Answer all multiple choice and CRQ question for Goldfinches.

Drama termss definitions.

Random MC quesrions for Keystones.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Objective: By the ned of class, students will analyze poem in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the keystone exam


Complete Goldfinches CRQ and/ or Barack Obama work from last Friday

BARACK OBAMA - What is Your Big Plan?  - excerpt of a speech made on September 8, 2009 in Arlington, Virginia.

1. What is Barack Obama's argument in this speech?
2. Identify one fact and one opinion.
3. Identify an emotional appeal.
4. Identify a rhetorical question.
5. Identify 2 phrases that are repeated for emphasis.
6. How does Obama construct this argument? Explain.
#7 - How does Obama use rhetorical questions to communicate an idea? 

Direct Instruction

Random Multiple choice questions for Keystone exam

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Friday, April 21 - Period 5 - Barack Obama Speech

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to analyze short persuasive argument in order to improver reading comprehensive skills.

BARACK OBAMA - What is Your Big Plan?  - excerpt of a speech made on September 8, 2009 in Arlington, Virginia.

1. What is Barack Obama's argument in this speech?
2. Identify one fact and one opinion.
3. Identify an emotional appeal.
4. Identify a rhetorical question.
5. Identify 2 phrases that are repeated for emphasis.
6. How does Obama construct this argument? Explain.

#7 - How does Obama use rhetorical questions to communicate an idea? 

Monday, April 24 - Seven Ages of Man

Objective: by the end of class, students will analyze poem in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the Keystone exam.


Choose one stage from Shakespeare's Seven Ages of Man and describe it in your own words. Notice how the figurative language can help you visualize. Do you think Shakespeare liked this stage? How do you know?

Direct Instruction

How you know Shakespeare's attitude toward the specific stage is by the words he chooses. THIS IS TONE.

visual of Seven Ages of Man

morgan freeman reading poem

Circle words that suggest tone for each stage of the seven stages.

Questions about communicating ideas and tone. The first one was done for you as an example.

Question: What idea does the phrase "mewling and puking" communicate?

Possible Answer: The idea that it communicates is that a baby is loud, and annoying and hard to care for. (negative attitude)

Shakespeare's tone for first stage: Annoyed, Irritated, Agitated... (all possible answers chosen from the negative column on "TONE" sheet)

1. What idea does the simile "creeping like snail" communicate? 

2. What is Shakespeare's tone toward the schoolboy stage?

3. What does the simile "sighing like furnace" communicate about the lover?

4. What idea does the phrase "quick in quarrel" suggest? How does the alliteration in this phrase help to communicate that idea?

5. What idea does the phrase "in fair round belly" communicate?

6. Does Shakespeare have a positive or negative tone toward the justice? Explain.

7. What ideas do the alliterate phrases "world too wide" and "shrunk shank" communicate?

8. What idea does the last line of the poem communicate?

9. Consider the overall tone of the poem. From the tone, how does Shakespeare feel about life in general? (write this in your own words and make at least two references to the poem).

Objective: By the end of class, students will be able to analyze short persuasive argument in order to improver reading comprehensive skills.

BARACK OBAMA - What is Your Big Plan?  - excerpt of a speech made on September 8, 2009 in Arlington, Virginia.

1. What is Barack Obama's argument in this speech?
2. Identify one fact and one opinion.
3. Identify an emotional appeal.
4. Identify a rhetorical question.
5. Identify 2 phrases that are repeated for emphasis.
6. How does Obama construct this argument? Explain.

Thursday, April 20 - Poetry - The Seven Ages of Man

Objective: By the ned of class, students will analyze poem in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the Keystone exam.


Extended metaphor - DEFINITION

The term extended metaphor refers to a comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem. 

Direct Instruction

Review the multiple choice answers for Gift of the Magi.

What is the difference between an extended metaphor and a regular metaphor?

review of types of figurative language

fig language review

Read introduction to The Seven Ages of Man. 

morgan freeman reading poem


Annotate poem for figurative language (similes, alliteration, metaphors, rhyme). Then break down and identify the seven stages and mark them on the poem directly.


Complete "7 stages" on back of poem.

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.


Review figurative language and the seven stages of man.

Exit Pass

What is your favorite stage and why?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Wednesday, April 19 - Gift of Magi - CRQ and Intro to poetry

Objective: By the end of class, student will analyze short fiction and poetry in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Either on a NEO or a SEPARATE piece of paper, answer the CRQ for Gift of the Magi on page 122 (also typed below)

Based on the passage, what American cultural value is most emphasized in the story. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Cultural values are the traditions and ideals that a certain group of people (by race, ethnicity, nationality, etc) share and consider important.

Direct Instruction

Review the multiple choice answers for Gift of the Magi.

Extended metaphor - DEFINITION

The term extended metaphor refers to a comparison between two unlike things that continues throughout a series of sentences in a paragraph or lines in a poem. 

What is the difference between an extended metaphor and a regular metaphor?

review of types of figurative language

fig language review

Read introduction to The Seven Ages of Man. 

morgan freeman reading poem


Annotate poem for figurative language (similes, alliteration, metaphors, rhyme). Then break down and identify the seven stages and mark them on the poem directly.


Complete "7 stages" on back of poem.

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.


Review figurative language and the seven stages of man.

Exit Pass

What is your favorite stage and why?

Wednesday, April 19 - Bike Share- Period 5

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze non-fiction article in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


4 short answer and 1 CRQ for Bike Share - Use a NEO:

Short answer (10 points each)

1.  Name three benefits of transportation for NYC that bike-share can provide. Be sure to underline and mark it on your actual article. If it is not properly marked, you will lose 5 points.

2. According to the pie chart, if 100 people were surveyed, then how many people would take public transit if they didn't ride a bike? How many would walk? How many would decide not to go to work at all?

3. How many car trips per day could be eliminated if NYC adopted the bike share program? Underline and indicate it on the article itself as well.

4. How much exercise should adults have to maintain good health according to the article? Underline and indicate where you found the answer on the text itself.


Analyze how the author constructs the argument in the passage. Use the information from the passage to support your answer.

Tuesday, Bike Share - Period 5 ( Non -Fiction / Article )

Objective: by the end of class, students will analyze non-fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Text structure practice. Underline key, trigger words - check the bak of the sheet for guidance.

Direct Instruction

Text Structure - How is an article, book, story, speech, etc CONSTRUCTED?? Handout provided with some ways for informational text. However, text structure can also include:

1. Subheadings
2. Glosseries
3. Table of Contents
4. Maps, charts
5. Bold print
6. Diagrams

(check Hurricane Sandy Article in Keystone book).



BIKE SHARE - read MC questions first..also read the CRQ.

Read and annotate.


Answer the multiple choice questions and provide reasoning for each answer.

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction and figurative language and theme  in order to prepare for Keystone exam.


If a VALUE is defined as "one's judgment of what is important in life," and 

CULTURE is defined as "the characteristic features of everyday existence shared by people in a place or time."

What are some American cultural values? 

Direct Instruction

Cultural values are the traditions and ideals that a certain group of people (by race, ethnicity, nationality, etc) share and consider important.

What are some AMERICAN cultural values?

Review multiple choice questions first for Gift of the Magi - pages 121-122.
Read together, Gift of the Magi - pages 118-121 in Keystone book.

Guided / Independent

In your books - Clearly identify the following:

1. . Find an example of allitertion on 118 (first column)
2. Find an example of repetition on 118 (2nd column)
2. Find a metaphor on page 119.
3. Find two similes on 119.
4. Find a hyperbole on page 119. (2nd column)
5. Find two ALLUSIONS on page 119. (first column)
6. Find a simile on page 120.
7. Find an example of imagery on page 120.

Complete the multiple choice questions in your books. You must provide reasoning for each multiple choice answer. 

Also -  Explain the Irony of the story. What kind of irony is it?

Complete the figurative language handout from yesterday's "do now for a better grade.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday, April 17 - Text Structure - Period 5

Objective: By then end of class, students will analyze types of text structure in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


 Literary Terms ( how many can you get in 7 minutes?) 

Direct Instruction

Text Structure

Types of text structures

Guided / Independent

Identify each paragraph as a type of text structure. Put information from the passage on the graphic organizer provided.

Monday, April 27 - Drama Review / Hamlet

Objective: by the end of class, students will review drama in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Drama Review of terms

Direct Instruction

Drama jeopardy

hamlet summary


Peruse Hamlet Speech and multiple choice questions - Keystone book pages- 


Read the soliliquoy together


Answer the multiple choice questions and provide reasoning for each answer

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Monday, April 17 - Fiction Review

Objective: By the end of class, students will review elements of fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Fiction terms review sheet

Direct Instruction

Fiction Jeopardy Review

figurative language


Review the multiple choice questions for Gift of the Magi - pages 

Read the Gift o the Magi - Keystone Review book pages - 


Complete plot structure and multiple choice questions for gift of the Magi.  Provide reasoning for each of your MC answers.

CRQ for Gift of Magi

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Friday, April 7 -

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze a poetic song and identify figurative devices in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Get your chrome book and open up my blog. Review the types of figurative language on this sheet click here.

Direct Instruction

You will choose a song from either of the sites below. efore you choose, ensure that the song uses at least two types of figurative language from the DO  NOW sheet. Then on google docs, you will do the following:

1. Name of song and by whom.
2. Why you chose the song.
3. Cut and paste lyrics.
4. Write a summary of the song (what is it about).
5. Doe the song have a theme? What is it?
6. Identify at least two types of figurative language used in the song. Use the sheet from the "DO NOW" to ensure that you are properly identifying.
7. Create visual collage of the song using at least 5 pictures / images.

poetic songs

poetic rap songs

Thursday, April 6 - HOMS

Objective: By the end of class students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.

Read 103 - 110

The Three Sisters
Alicia and I talking on Edna's Steps
A house of My own
Mango Says Good-Bye Sometimes

Guided / Independent


Again the theme of the abuse and exploitation of women is continued in this novel. Describe society’s perception of Sally. Describe the reality of Sally’s life. What similarity does Esperanza see in Sally?

What Sally Said

A major theme is continued in this disturbing chapter. The abuser in this chapter is Sally’s father rather than her husband but she behaves the same way that the other abused women have.
Discuss the father’s behavior in this chapter and how it effects Sally.

The Monkey GARDEN

Explain the significance of the following quotes.

1. It was a joke I didn’t get.

2. I looked at my feet in their white socks and ugly round shoes. They seemed far away. They didn’t seem to be my feet anymore.

Red Clowns

A theme of this chapter is male domination of women. What lines support this theme? How is racial prejudice part of this chapter?

The Three Sisters

Explain the Significance of the following lines:

1. When you leave, you must remember to come back for the others. A circle, understand? You will always be Esperanza. You will always be Mango Street. You can’t erase what you know. 

2. You can’t forget who you are. You must remember to come back. For the ones who cannot leave as easily as you. 

Alicia and I talking on Edna's Step

1. Alicia says something very similar to what the three sisters said. What does she say? What did the sisters say? How does Esperanza respond to both of them?

Mango says Good-bye Sometimes

Explain the significance of the following quote. 

1. They will not know I have gone away to come back. For the ones I left behind. For the ones who cannot out.

2. What is the significance of Esperenza's name? Describe / explain the symbolism of her name and its connection to Mango Street.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Thursday, April 6 - Hurricane Sandy - Informational Article

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze informational article in order to improve reading comprehensive  skills.


Text structure identification

Direct Instruction

hurricane Sandy


Review the multiple choice questions for the Hurricane Sandy article on pages 216-217 prior to reading.

Read Hurricane Sandy article - pages 212 - 216 - in the Keystone Review book.

Annotate as we read. Also note the text structure. Note any elements of NON-FICTION that ARE exclusive to informational writing (i.e not contained in fiction or poetry, etc). 


Answer multiple choice questions and provide reasoning for each answer.

Wednesday, HOMS -

Objective: By the end of class students will analyze short fiction in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Sally - 81-83
What Sally Said- 92-93
The Monkey Garden-94-98
Red Clowns - 99-100

Guided / Independent

Again the theme of the abuse and exploitation of women is continued in this novel. Describe society’s perception of Sally. Describe the reality of Sally’s life. What similarity does Esperanza see in Sally?

What Sally Said

A major theme is continued in this disturbing chapter. The abuser in this chapter is Sally’s father rather than her husband but she behaves the same way that the other abused women have.
Discuss the father’s behavior in this chapter and how it effects Sally.

The Monkey GARDEN

Explain the significance of the following quotes.

1. It was a joke I didn’t get.

2. I looked at my feet in their white socks and ugly round shoes. They seemed far away. They didn’t seem to be my feet anymore.

Red Clowns

A theme of this chapter is male domination of women. What lines support this theme? How is racial prejudice part of this chapter?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wednesday, April 5 - text Structure - Bike -Share

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze persuasive / informational text in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.


Do the multiple choice on the BIKE SHARE article.

Direct Instruction

Text Structure

Types of text structures


Read CRQ prompt for Bike Share.

Discuss approaches to answer the prompt.


Answer the CRQ for bike share in proper format. BE sure to cite textual evidence. Either write on the paper provided or you may use a NEO.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Tuesday, April 5 - Speech CRQ

Objective: By the end of class students will analyze speech and read informational text in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare  for the Keystone exam.


CRQ ON PAGE 230 of the KEYSTONE finish line book. You may use a NEO or write the answer in the book. It must be in CRQ format - restate, explain, quote, explain, conclude. Be sure t focus on how he uses facts, opinions and other persuasive devices t be convincing. HINT: Looking at the multiple choice questions / answers may help you.

Direct Instruction

Text Structure - How is an article, book, story, speech, etc CONSTRUCTED?? Handout provided with some ways for informational text. However, text structure can also include:
1. Problem / solution
2. compare / contrast
3. cause / effect
4. chronological order (timeline)
5. Sequence - order of importance



BIKE SHARE - read MC questions first..also read the CRQ.

Read and annotate.


Answer the multiple choice questions and provide reasoning for each answer.

Check for understanding

Individual student checks during independent work.

Tuesday, April 4 - CRQ - Immigration

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction and make real life connections in order to improve reading comprehensive skills. 


Get chrome  books and begin your constructed response right away. Do it on your HOMS JOURNAL doc. You must refer to both the vignette, Geraldo, No last Name, AND the article in your response.

Guided / Independent


Analyze how Cisneros brings attention to  the Mexican immigration issue through  a very personal episode, Geraldo, No Last Name. Be sure to use textual evidence from the article and the vignette to support your answer.

You can restate this CRQ for your first sentence ( "Cisneros brings attention to the immigration issue through a very personal episode..") and then you should explain the immigration problem ("The immigration problem is that...") and use a quote from the article to support your explanation. THEN, go to the Geraldo vignette and use a quote to show how Cisneros brings awareness and compassion to this illegal immigration problem.

choose an article from this site.

Monday, April 3 - Speeches

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze speeches in order to improve reading comprehensive skills and prepare for the Keystones.


What is the difference between essential and non-essential information?

What is the difference between FACT and OPINION??

Direct Information

Keystone Finish Line Book

president roosevelt - page 218

Annotate for persuasive elements (facts ( logos), opinions, emotional appeal, loaded words, repetition, 


president kennedy speech - review multiple choice questions together (pages228-229)


Read Kennedy speech (pages 226-227) and annotate as you read for
1. FACTS - Logical appeals
2. Opinions - Emotional or ethical appeals
3. Any persuasive devices
Then, answer multiple choice questions. Provide reasoning for each answer.
Answer the CRQ in proper format.