Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Thursday & Friday, Sept 13 & 14 - Jane's Back CRQ / Inference Jeopardy / POV

Objective: By the end of class, students will analyze short fiction and practice inferencing in order to improve reading comprehensive skills.

DO NOW - on a separate piece of paper to be turned in.

1. Explain why when reading a passage you need to INFER what is  happening. Why doesn't the author just tell you?

2. If you know what all the characters in a story are thinking and feeling (3rd person Point of View Omniscient), will you need to INFER at all? Why or why not?

3. Whose point of view (POV) do we know in the story, Jane's Back? How does that affect how much we need to infer?

Direct / Guided Instruction

TEAM jeopardy - inferencing

Each team will receive note cards and attempt to answer every question in writing on the card.
When "time" is called (by me) you will hold up your answer.
All teams that get the answer correct will earn points.
The wining team will receive 10 extra credit points on the next test.


Matching terms for ELEMENTS OF FICTION.
You may use the glossary at the back of the text book and you may work together in the teams/tables at which you are already seated.

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