Write into notebooks:
In addition to LOGICAL, ETHICAL and EMOTIONAL APPEALS, good persuasive writers also use:
1. REPETITION - repeat a word or phrase over and over
2. RHETORICAL QUESTIONS - questions that don't need answers
3. PARALLELISM - the same grammatical organization (" travel, to stop, to work...." instead of " travel. working, when we stop...")
Direct / Guided
The speeches we are going to analyze are PERSUASIVE which means the speaker is trying to convince the listener of something.
It is AN ARGUMENT that has a CALL to ACTION.
appeals (you should already have these written in your notes)
You want to go to a party but you need to convince your mother to let you go because it's in New Jersey and it will end past your curfew.
Convince her by providing an:
1 - emotional appeal (pathos) - make her feel bad for you
2 - logical appeal (facts) - give her facts of why you should be allowed to go
3 - ethical appeal (why should she trust you?)
Listen to and then read the Chief Joseph Speech and circle all of the words that are repeated over and over (used for emphasis). Also note any emotional appeals ( feel sympathy for ) and/or logical appeals (facts).
Chief Joseph speech
Answer the multiple choice questions
Check for understanding
Individual student checks during independent work