Standards: L.F.2.1 / L.F.2.1.1/ L.F.1.1.2 / L.F.2.3.4
Copy the following themes and definitions into notebooks:
GREED = 1. excessive consumption of or desire for food and/or excessive desire for wealth or power. It has a NEGATIVE, selfish connotation.
DECEPTION - persuade someone that something false is the truth; to trick or fool.
BETRAYAL - to deliver or expose to an enemy; disloyalty: to be unfaithful
Direct Instruction
macbeth intro
Anticipation Guide for Macbeth.
ted talk intro
elements of drama
macbeth intro
Guided / Independent
Read descriptions of characters from NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE Macbeth. In your notebooks, list three character traits each for:
1. Macbeth
2. King Duncan
3. Banquo
4. Macduff
5. Malcolm
6. 3 witches
Remember that you know about characters from not only what they look like, but what they say, how they act, their effects on others etc (indirect character traits).