Thursday, February 27, 2020

Monday & Tuesday - March 2 & 3 - Introduction to Macbeth

Objective: By the end of class students will be introduced to themes and characterization in order to prepare to read Shakespeare's Macbeth.

Standards: L.F.2.1 / L.F.2.1.1/ L.F.1.1.2 / L.F.2.3.4


Copy the following themes and definitions into notebooks:

GREED = 1excessive consumption of or desire for food and/or excessive desire for wealth or power. It has a NEGATIVE, selfish connotation.

AMBITION =strong desire for success, achievement, or distinction  // a goal. It has a POSITIVE (not selfish) connotation.

DECEPTION persuade someone that something false is the                         truth; to trick or fool.

BETRAYAL - to deliver or expose to an enemy;                             disloyalty: to be unfaithful 

Direct Instruction

macbeth intro

Anticipation Guide for Macbeth.  

ted talk intro

Macbeth is a DRAMA or PLAY. 

elements of drama

macbeth intro

Guided  / Independent

Read descriptions of characters from NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE  Macbeth. In your notebooks, list three character traits each for:
1. Macbeth
2. King Duncan
3. Banquo
4. Macduff
5. Malcolm
6. 3 witches

Remember that you know about characters from not only what they look like, but what they say, how they act, their effects on others etc (indirect character traits).

Friday, February 21, 2020

Tuesday & Wednesday, Feb 25 & 26 - Exploration of the Colorado River


Standards -CC.1.2.9-10A /1.2.9-10E
Eligible Content
Compare, describe, analyze and/or evaluate plot in a variety of non-fiction:
 - how the author structures plot to advance the action/plot/conflict.
Explain, interpret point of view in non-fiction / the impact of POV on the meaning of the text as a whole.


Text Structure -  refers to how the information within a written text is ORGANIZED for NON -FICTION. Examples include:
Cause / Effect
Problem / Solution
Sequence /Timeline

Direct Instruction

text structure

Skim the passage 243-245 - what do you notice about the organization of the text? 

As you watch the following clip, write down a question or comment you may have about this journey.

John Wesley Powell- A Journey


Read together the introduction and the first journal entry. Annotate for character traits, POV and conflict.


Answer questions on handout provided addressing character traits, POV and the conflict (nature).

When done, write another entry to John Wesley Powell's journal. Date it June 8. You may look at the map to gain a little information about your entry before you begin writing.

Check for Understanding

Individual student checks during independent work. 

Friday, February 14, 2020

Wednesday & Thursday, February 19 & 20- INFORMATIONAL TEXT - HURRICANE SANDY

Objective: By the end of class students will analyze informational non-fiction, reinforce keystone vocabulary in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.

Standards: L.F.2.1 / L.F.2.1.1/ L.F.1.1.2 / L.F.2.3.4


Add to your Vocabulary list:
EXCLUSIVE - "Unique to" - if an element is exclusive to a certain genre, that means it is ONLY in that genre.

Example - charts, graphs, photos, captions = informational text
Example - stanzas, couplets, = poetry 

Direct Instruction

Hurricane Sandy

Stop and Jot
Make a Comment
Ask a Question
Make a Connection
Make a Prediction
Clarify Something in your own words

How do you know this article on Hurricane Sandy - pages 212-215 is informational non-fiction? List some of the elements this article has that shows it is informational non-fiction (green Keystone book).


Review the multiple choice questions. Can any be answered without reading the text? Note that the subheadings may help you find the part of the article where you can find the answer.

How do you read a map?
How do you read a bar graph?
What does the Legend for the graph tell you?


Answer the multiple choice questions for Hurricane Sandy article. Use MC strategies (cross two out, choose best answer).

When a question asks you to for information from the map or graph, ONLY refer to the map or graph. All of the multiple choice answers for that question will probably be TRUE from the text -  but only one is TRUE FROM THE GRAPH OR MAP

Then answer the following GENERAL questions about genres and their elements:
1. Look on pages 212 - 215 in Keystone Finish line book. What are the elements of this article that categorize it as informational non-fiction?
2. What are some elements of fiction that distinguish this genre from non-fiction?
3. What are some elements that drama and fiction have in common?
4. What are elements of drama that make it exclusive to this genre?
5. What is dialogue? Does informational text contain dialogue?
6. How can connotation of words help determine tone in any of the genres?

CRQ for Hurricane Sandy Article
Analyze how the author CONSTRUCTS the article to help the reader understand the huge impact the storm had on the East coast.


Genre Quiz

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tuesday & Wednesday- Feb 18 & 19 - Call of the Wild - CRQ & Jeopardy

OBJECTIVE: Analyze, interpret and evaluate how authors use techniques and elements of fiction to effectively communicate an idea or concept.
Compare, describe, analyze relationship between elements of plot and other components in a variety of fiction



Remember the acronym STEAL to determine character traits.
S - Speech ( dialogue)
T - Thoughts
E - Effect on others (ex: "The little girl took his toy and made him cry." / she's mean)
A - Actions
L - Looks

Direct Instruction

Review STOP and JOT answers. What are the biggest differences between ONE STAR and THREE STARS

Characterization jeopardy



Explain how Buck's character throughout the passage influences his behavior. Use textual evidence to support your answer.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Wednesday & Thursday - Feb 12 & 13 - Characterization & POV

OBJECTIVE: Analyze, interpret and evaluate how authors use techniques and elements of fiction to effectively communicate an idea or concept.
Compare, describe, analyze relationship between elements of plot and other components in a variety of fiction
LF2.3.3 DO NOW 

Remember indirect and direct characterization? What does the acronym STEAL stand for? 

Direct Instruction

Character Traits - circle three that represent YOU the most.

Quizlet - Call of the Wild


Character traits 

Use the graphic organizer to develop character traits for Buck throughout the excerpt, "Call of the Wild" on pages 79-80 in Keystone Literature Finish Line book. 

Use quotes from the text as evidence. You only need ONE quote per trait - not three.



Explain how Buck's character throughout the passage influences his behavior. Use textual evidence to support your answer.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Monday & Tuesday, Feb 10 &11 - Call of the Wild

OBJECTIVE: By the end of class students will Analyze, interpret and evaluate how authors use of techniques and elements of fiction to effectively communicate and idea or concept. 



Elements of Fiction and POV quizlet review - definitions

Direct Instruction

Call of the Wild trailer

Call of the Wild Keystone Literature Finish Line book - page 79

1. ASK A QUESTION - be specific
2. MAKE A COMMENT - What do you think about this?
3. MAKE A PREDICTION - what will happen next?
4. CLARIFY SOMETHING - make it clear in your own words
5. MAKE A CONNECTION - how do you relate or can you relate it to something you know or have read?

  • You will be given notecards and instructed to respond to prompts as we read.
  • You will have 2 minutes to respond. 
  • Your responses should be specific to passage and possibly include a quote. 
  • Your responses will be collected and you will be graded for your response. 
  • We will review the prompt answers and how to get a high score at the end of the week.


1. What is the narrative perspective of this story? Whose thoughts and feelings do you know? Write it in the margins for each paragraph.

2. Underline the setting and denote it in the margin.

3. What is "yellow metal"? (first paragraph)

4. What is the main conflict in the beginning of the story that will drive the action (plot)?

5. Who is Manuel and what is his problem? (underline and write in margins) (page 80)

6. How does Manuel intend to solve his problem? (underline the sentences that help you INFER what he is going to do)

7. What is the climax of this excerpt? (underline and write in margins)

Answer the five multiple choice questions in the book. Use multiple choice strategies by crossing two out before finalizing your decision.
