Thursday, May 2, 2019

May 3 and 6, Friday & Monday - Keystone Practice Review

Objective: By the end of class students will practice reading and multiple choice strategies in order to prepare for the Keystone exam.

Standards: L.F.2.1 / L.F.2.1.1/ L.F.1.1.2 / L.F.2.3.4


Propaganda definitions

Direct Instruction

A Journey is the act of traveling from one place to another. The travel can be literally from one location to another, or it can be from one job position to another, etc.

In literature, regarding characters, a journey usually transforms a person. THEY ARE DYNAMIC. (think about Macbeth and Lady Macbeth).

Ways characters can change:

  • Have a realization
  • Physical change
  • Mental/psychological change - 
  • Moral change - they become a better, or worse human

ted talk about journey to success

How did he change?


My Antonia. This is about a literal kind of journey. The character experiences changes because of it. 

Review the multiple choice questions together.
Some questions to consider before reading:
  • Is this fiction or non-fiction?
  • From what narrative perspective (POV)is it being told?
  • Is it in past or present tense?

Read excerpt from "My Antonia"

Answer all Multiple choice and the constructed response.

When done, you can get a chrome book and go to my blog 
REINAENG2.BLOGSPOT.COM and choose at least two of the following Keystone review games to complete.

Practice Keystone Games

genre game - multiple choice

genre concentration game

soccer poetry - figurative language review

genre scatter game 

elements of fiction scatter game

elements of drama scatter game

elements of poetry scatter game

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