Objective: By the end of class, students will be assessed on secondary source of informational text in order to improve reading comprehensive and writing skills.
Turn in your HW (irony worksheet) and get your test.
CRQ - Identify two specific events that happened between 11:40 pm on April 14 and 2:20 am on April 15 and analyze in detail how each contributed to sinking of the Titanic and/or great loss of life.
(be sure to use textual evidence to support your answer)
Direct Instruction
When you are done with your test, we will create a giant timeline for the wall:
1. Create a piece of the timeline from the Titanic for display. Use a whole piece of paper to create your assigned piece of the timeline. I will assign you a # of the timeline for you to create.
a. Write the DATE and TIME on your sheet.
b. Draw, sketch, copy or print a graphic for your event.
c. You are each assigned one event from the timeline. Go back to the text to describe what was happening during that time on the Titanic directly onto your sheet.
view titanic bloopersCheck for Understanding
Individual student checks during independent work
Review elements of informational text.
Exit Pass
Do you think the captain of the ship is to blame for the Titanic disaster and loss of life? Explain.